Theoretically speaking, adult dating on local fuckbook type sites may seem like a solid business model. In theory, it has everything going for it. Think about it. An online adult entertainment platform that offers live interactivity where each performance is different from performances that happed previously. This blows away the old models of online adult entertainment. It is miles far advanced of the old pre-canned, preformatted, and pre-concluded types of entertainment. I’m of course talking about recorded entertainment.
It’s easy to see why this is the case. It’s easy to see why most people are frustrated with recorded media. If you’re watching any kind of recorded media, the conversation flows one way. The script is already set, the story and the narratives are already set in stone, and your only job is really to react or not react. In short, it’s a very passive kind of experience.
Now, compare this with a two-way conversation where you send out messages by typing on your keyboard and the performer then changes up her rendition or her performance based on your input. That person then sends you input and you change your demands and your own output as well. This two-way street can create a lot of electricity between the performer and the audience and this can make truly memorable entertainment experiences.
This is why live online adult entertainment Xxx dating blow prerecorded online adult fare out of the water. There is no comparison.
The big danger here is the audience. This is what would really sabotage Xxx dating in the future. Nothing happens by accident. When online entrepreneurs set in motion certain promotional strategies, this unleashes coping mechanisms in the target audience.
You have to remember that target audience members from all over the world don’t want to pay. They think that information must be free. This is the constant struggle of the internet. This is the existential dilemma that informs and powers the internet.
This definitely plays out with Xxx dating because there many online coping mechanisms of online entrepreneurs to try to milk as much value out of the audience members. A lot of this is basically having the model tease the crowd and it turns into a giant and disappointing waiting game. On the other side of the equation, you have audience members who’ve come up with coping mechanisms to try to trick the performer into giving up a free show. It’s like an arms race.
This is the big danger here because it’s positioned in completely antagonistic terms when it doesn’t have to be. Instead of like a concert where both sides can work together and produce amazing music, it instead gets perverted into a head to head confrontation and game of chicken. It’s all about who will blink first. This is the big ticking time bomb with these types of websites.