Yes! Finally a site showcasing genuine amateur porn as opposed the literally thousands of others who claim to but don’t. I am a big fan of things candid and authentic.
It’s just that when I know it’s scripted and acted it turns me off and let’s face it, pornstars by-and-large are not exactly the best actors out there. It’s not like it’s something that I pick up on often and it’s not like I don’t enjoy ‘regular’ porn, I just find this so much better and if it wasn’t that the quality and angles of the footage of homemade porn was so crap then I would have enjoyed that even more.
If you’re like me thenĀ get Ersties for 69% off with this discount, or at least I recommend that you do. This is the site that finally checked all the boxes for me.
I’ve watched a quite a few scenes by now and there are many things I enjoy about it but I’d like to point one out: Women having genuine orgasms. You just don’t see that in the scripted professional stuff and it’s so hot.