I wish I could tell you that crazy is very easy to define. I wish that was the case. But the problem is insanity is not just a biochemical condition. While the scientific community and pharmaceutical industries have made serious progress in appreciating the physical and biological bases for insanity and personality disorders as well as emotional disorders, we are still a long way from truly defining what crazy is.
Even if you run a battery of physical tests on somebody and they come out clean they could still act in a completely psychotic and stupid way. The reality is that there is more that defines our sanity than blood chemistry, brain chemistry or even our emotional states. Even if you were to put a person with a psychiatrist and that person relates her life story to that psychiatrist for years upon years that psychiatrist would still not be able to fully get that person.
So as much as modern psychiatry and psychology and as well as psychopharmacology have made tremendous strides in truly understanding people’s mental states, for all intents and purposes, we are still on square one. The reason for this is because a lot of scientists out there and I’m talking about both physical scientists as well as social scientists try to put sanity and insanity into neat little boxes. It’s not that simple. There is no simple divide. In many cases it’s experiential. It is a holistic definition because life is very holistic. It explodes and recreates on a moment to moment basis. It’s very situational.
Why am I getting all metaphysical and scientific on you? Well, the reason is if you’re trying to hook up with an online fuckfriend some of them can go crazy on you, and the worst part, is that you don’t see it coming. If you want to play the game right and if you want to maximize your personal as well as your emotional safety follow one simple rule: do not turn existing female friends into fuckfriends. Sure in the beginning it may work out because both of you are getting what you’re looking for but eventually it will get weird and eventually it will get sour. And you’re not only out of a sex partner but you’re also out of a friend.
If you want to avoid all the craziness and awkwardness of the local fuckbuddy scene, do one thing and one thing alone: develop the friendship from day one with an eye toward physical intimacy and the most important part of this is she has to know. She has to be completely clear that you have different motivations, that she’s not just a platonic friend to you. She is also a possible sex partner. And if she’s cool with that and she looks at you with the same mindset then you’re good to go. That’s how you play the game, player.